How to enjoy air conditioning without shooting up your electricity bill

Sophia James
6 min readAug 1, 2021

The heats of summer are already making themselves felt, even though it has not technically arrived. In many parts of the state geography, high temperatures already force the use of air conditioning devices to keep houses and apartments minimally habitable. But this has energy implications that not all economies can afford. Depending on how it is used, the air conditioner triggers the electricity bill.

it is an extreme calculation since neither the waves last two weeks -normally- nor surely there is a need to have the air connected all day, but it gives an idea of ​​the extent to which the use of this device can embitter our bill. And if a rate hike occurs due to poor conditions for the generation of renewables, we are ready. So it is best to take note of the following nine measures, which will allow us to enjoy our air without trembling at the thought of the October receipt. Following are the tips from Rood Inc heat and cooling experts Russellville, Ar.

If you are going to choose a device, bet on the Inverter system

Although today most of the new devices are already Inverters, you can still find offers on the internet for leftover stock of fixed speed devices. They are not advisable, although for many users they seem more pleasant because from the first moment the cold air is noticeable and they are also less delicate and easier to program.

The truth is that the Inverter system can save almost twice as much like a normal system, with yields of up to 140%, higher than the nominal power. The Inverter system can offer cold gradually and takes advantage of thermal inertia. In essence, the Inverter system is the combination of an alternating compressor with software that calculates the optimal time to reach the desired temperature and thus offers cold in a scaled way, so that maximum savings are produced.

An Inverter compressor stops before reaching the minimum required, allowing the thermal inertia to reach it, and it is activated only when it foresees that the heat threshold will recover, to avoid reaching it and therefore having to overcome the thermal inertia inverse, which marks the outside temperature. In this way, it achieves notable savings compared to the old airs, which gave cold to fixed gear

Choose a well-sized team for your needs

Another important aspect if we are considering putting an air conditioner or renovating the equipment we have is to size it appropriately to the surface of our house or apartment. There are simple tables that indicate the thermal power that an appliance must have concerning the surface to be cooled, for a medium height, but the most sensible thing for a non-expert like us is to consult the technician or the salesperson, who will advise.

In this regard, it is important to understand that what we can save in the thermal power of the device, and therefore in money, we will spend on consumption, and therefore on the bill. It is better to be generous in this regard. The orientation of the house, the type of insulation we have, whether there is a lot of glass surface, etc. will also intervene in the choice.

Finally, if we have several rooms that we want to cool, it is not a bad idea to bet on a 2x1, that is, a compressor with two heat pumps, so that one is placed in the bedroom and the other in the living room. In this way, it is not necessary that a single pump has to cover the surface of the entire house.

Avoid the greenhouse effect at home

Let’s not make the mistake of having the air on and all the windows without the curtains drawn or the blinds are drawn. Although the direct sun does not give us, the strong rebound of the rays in summer causes temperature increases. Therefore, the power light will enter through the windows and will heat the house as if it were a greenhouse, forcing the air to work at full capacity. If we want air and savings at the same time, it is best to lower the blinds, extend the awnings or draw the curtains, since with less light, less temperature.

Live between 24 and 26 degrees

The 85% of Spaniards put the air in summer between 21 and 22 degrees in winter to 24 degrees, without knowing very well why we prefer to spend a cold in the summer period we can not stand in the winter. The height of the absurd is the people who are at home with the air conditioning on and wearing a sweater or jacket.

The appropriate thing, in keeping with the basal body temperature and the sensation of heat, is to put the air conditioning between 24 and 26 degrees and go lightly dressed. We will be comfortable, we will avoid headaches, muscle contractures, and numbness, as well as excessive dryness of the mucous membranes. And therefore we will save a lot!

Does heat or humidity bother you? Apply the ‘dry’ mode

In humid but not excessively hot climates, such as the northwest of the peninsula, it is more pressing to reduce ambient humidity than heat, so we can play with higher temperatures and the ‘dry’ mode, which will make the air conditioner act as a condenser of water, reducing the feeling of embarrassment. In the Mediterranean, in the same way, the reduction of humidity will also allow that the air does not have to become excessively low since the dry air reduces the thermal sensation of heat.

Of course, doors and windows closed

It is something of a drawer, but we always have the bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom door half open when we have entered and left just to go to find the tweezers, a fork, or the clock. And those seemingly small openings are a drain of frigories that force the air to increase its power. And, of course, in the end, it all adds up and it ends up being noticed on the bill. Of course, if we leave windows open, it is already a duty court.

Don’t use it to sleep

Air conditioning is not recommended for sleeping for the simple reason that it dries up the environment too much and if the jet of cold air also affects our body, it can cause contractures and muscle numbness. In addition, once we have fallen asleep, our basal metabolism drops and adapts well to temperatures close to 26 degrees, so we can sleep well at this level, so we do not need to have air all night. The ideal is to cool the room an hour or two before or program the air conditioner to give air only for an hour and then, when we are asleep, it turns off. Safe savings.

Use support fans

If the house is large and you cannot get the air to reach certain areas where at a given time of the day the sun beats more, you can help yourself with a fan that mixes the hot air with the cold and thus lowers the temperature without it being necessary. lower the thermostat and therefore increase consumption.

Clean the filters well

The filters, which are on the top of the pumps and can be easily removed and dusted with a damp cloth and a little water and white vinegar, in case they are greasy. Did you know? If you knew it and put it into practice well for you. Otherwise, you should know that it is estimated that a dirty filter can cause an increase in the bill of up to 20% due to the loss of efficiency of the air conditioner.

